Thursday, 19 December 2013

9 wisest moves you can make

What you do overrides how you look; this is Albert Einstein
One of the smartest things you can do in these present times is to practice man management and branding. I am seeing many talented and hardworking people scatter their works without any plan. They flow with their lives as it comes but that kind of attitude cannot bring any benefit. In nature, it is only when you harness the natural resources, putting them together in one place are you able to create something a benefit. For instance, when we construct a dam and direct water towards it we are able to get electricity out of it. 

Therefore, what I am presenting here is a way to manage yourself and your activities to yield the ultimate harvest.

Set your objectives 

This is one of the most important issues to discuss here. When you are doing something you should take your time to think about what hope to achieve out of it. Often times we look at only the short term gratification alone. Know what you want and determine whether what you are doing can yield that harvest. If you don’t set your objectives anything that comes will be accepted and life is not lived that way.

Do one thing 

This is the trickiest aspect of it all. Lot of people are missing it here. These days one thing cannot help a person to survive, so we all develop multiple skills and do lots of jobs. In time you realized that you are a jack of all trades but you have no dominance in anything. 

So I posted this on Facebook and twitted it, ‘Nothing dilutes a person's effectiveness like trying to do many things at the same time. No matter how effective you are, if you do too many things you are going to remain at the backseat of almost everything. This is because you never take the time to learn and spend enough time to dominate before you move on. In time, you are not seen at the fore front of anywhere. 
I call this situation the curse of the multi-talented and this attitude springs out of the need to do many things to survive which is often necessary in some situations. However, true power and success comes when we focus all our brilliance on one thing like using the magnifying glass we are able to burn the paper. 
It is better we learn how to do one thing and be world champion than do a thousand things and be nobodies which is often the case!

Doing one thing doesn’t mean you do just one thing, no; you do many things within that one thing. And it shouldn’t be many things, because that attitude can dilute the strength of your activities. 

Choose your team
Never do it alone; find people to work with. When you commence a venture afresh, money may be scarce but it shouldn’t deter you from working with people. Find people and talk to them, make conditions flexible and it will be okay. 

True effectiveness comes with working with people, where individuals take different aspect of your venture and ensure that there is success. Share responsibilities, where everybody does all things, there is likely to be trouble because everybody’s duty is nobody’s responsibility. Share duties and make people accountable. 

Focus on branding yourself 

Branding yourself is developing an identity in this clouded world and it should also serve as your high horse. This is to say that, you stand out as the number one. A lot of things go into getting to the point where people will have a perception about you as ‘this is who is and he is number one’. 

When you are identified with something, it gives people the direction to come to you. But that is not enough, what really pulls them to you is that you are number one.

Take money seriously 

This is what I wish somebody had told me when I was starting my life. You have to respect money and collect it. Don’t let people cheat or do things because everybody has become your brother or sister. When you are a loving person like me, sometimes charging them and taking money becomes difficult because they have become your siblings but do it all the same. 

Put your money together and reinvest it. 

If your venture is young, do other jobs to support it because you can’t start depending on your child. You have to wait patiently till he or she grows up.

Be studious 

Learn everything and learn strategically. As you start your venture you will know that you are incompetent in certain areas so strengthen those sides by learning.
Learn about the internet, web designing, using simple applications like MS office suit, especially the PowerPoint, word and excel.  Learn to type as well, it is very important. 

Download articles and read, join knowledge hubs like LinkedIn and the like.

Give yourself some time 

When you are traveling, you don’t get there immediately you sit in the car. In the same way, give yourself a medium term. Wait patiently even when it seems you are making nothing out of it. I have visited friends who started their businesses in the past six to seven years and they all seem to be at par. My point is that, there is a level you reach with each passing time. 

Patience is a virtue you need now.

Align yourself with achievers
Be friends with achievers, monitor them. When you get close to them their plans and their zeal will motivate you to strive for your own. Because it will dawn on you that, ‘if I don’t also work these people will leave me behind'.

This is one of my prime motivators in life. I visit their pages and see what they are doing. Occasionally I visit them. And by the time I return I am infected with the desire to run a thousand miles per hour.

Build networks 

Every business needs stakeholders. Customers, supplier or supporters, those with financial interest, the general public, banks and the rest are very important to your organization. You have to know that what you are doing does not revolve around only you, but it is for the benefit of all. 

You have to factor them into the equation because without any of them, you are out. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your customers are more important than your employees or those who loaned you the money. Every person is important, take them seriously and give them their due.


I have come a long way to have learned some of these things that am sharing with you. I have been through lots of businesses and worked with numerous people and that is   how I discovered these truths. If you take it seriously, your life will never be the same again. 

If you need any clarification, you can chart directly with me on any of the social media platforms. Just join Claus Otoo and the friendship starts from there. Kindly share if you are my fun.
Thanks for reading.

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