Monday, 13 January 2014

What I have seen with successful people

Success Equation

I have noticed one thing lately, we are all the same but we differ in certain areas and when we work on this difference, it sets us apart making some great and some small.

When you see a successful person and maybe you don’t have that much success, you might be tempted to throw yours away and copy. This is what has resulted in less achievement because you may use your mediocre talent to work. Maybe you are not good at singing but you copy so you don’t do well. While your first class talent could be playing guitar his is singing, so he beats you every day. I have seen these first class performers do well in spite of their mistakes. It is more like finishing a race with a broken hand. It is better that you do what you are best at and prosper at it.

Prospering at what you do mean you have to do what you are best at and pay the prize for it through consistency and giving yourself time to succeed.

They give themselves time

One common thing I have realized is that successful people have spent lots of time before they arrived at their present level. This implies that if you will succeed, you need patience. Businesses grow like the way a human being grows physically. You can’t take the time of growth outside any venture. No matter how rich and handsome you are, you have to follow the natural order of growth.

The process of growth implies that, you are waiting for some organs to come and join to make you complete. While you wait, other components get ready and join and when you are all set, you have grown.

Constant repetition

Successful people do the same thing over and over. They do it for many years repeatedly. They are not jack of all trades; they stay at it all the time. It is like a permanent marriage to them. If you don’t stop doing what you are doing now, in time you will be rewarded.

Constant repetition grows your skills and makes you better.  It is like building a house, you don’t stop until you finish; you keep adding one block after block. What you don’t have today for your venture, tomorrow you will have. Don’t quit on that house.

Repetition is adding one block after block till your building is complete. If you stop along the line to do something else, it means you have quit on that house and you have wasted your time. Stay on that one thing and keep adding to it.

Thanks for reading. 

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