I teach people how to make it in life.
Am all about support, encouragement, counselling, innovation, startups, associations, trend setting, economic empowerment & csr.
I teach people how to make it in life.
Am all about support, encouragement, counselling, innovation, startups, associations, trend setting, economic empowerment & csr.
This is my purpose in life
- Public Speaker.
- Preacher of the Gospel
- Philanthropist
- General Merchant
- Writer
- Permanent Student
Am a person who likes to learn; that's why you'd always find me on LinkedIn, medium and other social media sites that gives out dolls of information. I read every night.
I love stories. The ones l like most are the big volumes so that I can read within a week. I read the castle of wizardry 1000 pages in a few days. I have the day of the jackal and a taste death of death by PD James.
I have read the who bible twice and the new testament countless times.
I read almost every night especially at dawn.
I can almost taste what i read.
I thank God for giving me my eyes.
What makes me sad is that I can't read enough books, yes, I wish i could read many books everyday.
I work hard; you wont believe it but I have worked as a graphic designer, a secretary, teacher in computer software and hardware, I teach Primary, JHS, SHS and also help some university and polytechnic graduates. I have preached many years, I have written books. I have made difficult handouts for NATECO teachers. I have done billboards with designs on them. I have repaired computers so much that I have stopped, am bored with it. I have designed websites for churches.
My skills are many; In computer it is graphic designing, website designing, ms office suit and a specialist in hardware.
My typing speed is 50 words per minute. That's why you see me write so many articles every week, I type everything myself. I don't really think much whether people read my works or not, for I just enjoy typing. Before there was social media I used to write books and throw them away.
Academically, am good at doing any kind of research, project management, marketing plans, business plans, project work.
In teaching; am good at English, core maths, elective maths, Elective Science, Accounting, Economics, Marketing, Project management and many others.
Am also a great team player and wherever people are there you will find me.
I also know a lot about events management.
I preach the Word of Yahweh.
I have passions too, My passion propel and kill me at the same time. For instance, all my thinking is international, I dream of creating international associations where people come from all over the world to learn together. I dream of owning many TV and radio stations and schools so that I can give many people jobs.
My greatest passion is to be so rich that I shall put a lot of children on the streets in schools, provide food joints where those who can't feed themselves would go everyday to eat and also provide shelter for them where they'd go to sleep free of charge.
But what I love most is public speaking! I love to talk about ideas! Lets just say I was born a teacher.
My businesses: My official company name is Claus Investments and it is registered at the registry general of Ghana.
Email: /
Cell: + 233 54 873 5505 / +233 277 833 779

I ride the heavy storms so that I can achieve bigger things in life; the eagle there is me.
I will rather try and not succeed, that way, I am pacified a bit because at least I was trying. But I can't sit down and not do nothing, that will make me very miserable, so we ride the storm, no, we glide in the storm!
I will rather try and not succeed, that way, I am pacified a bit because at least I was trying. But I can't sit down and not do nothing, that will make me very miserable, so we ride the storm, no, we glide in the storm!
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