Like every business man I have
had my share of failures. Three things killed my project and I want to let you
know about them so that when you are starting anything, you will be aware that
they are lurking in the dark waiting to spoil your success.
When I started the website that I wanted
to develop for the whole Ghana, I was very happy. I thought when the website
was finished my success would be assured, but I was wrong. After completing the
website I started doing my marketing. But I hit the money wall, I had several
suggestions as to how to make it better as I tuned into the mind of the general
public. The scarcity of funds halted my project.
If the project you are undertaking
is a short term undertaking, it poses no problem, but if it is long term
usually money issues set in to kill it.
In working with this same
website, I decided to do it alone since it’s a website. I was wrong because it
was a business and I needed helping hands, but I didn’t see it that way. Even if
I did felt the need for a partner, the money issue stopped me in my tracks.
I think my real issue in not
bringing other stakeholders to help was because I had been a loner all my life
and I brought the same attitude into business. In business I have learned we
don’t do it alone and if you don’t like people don’t to be a business man.
My passion died when the business
could not move fast as I wanted it. When the idea hit me it was very hot but in
time the passion dried up and I lost interest. One of the things that dried the
passion was the scarcity of money. Now I have money and I can go back to the
business but the passion is not there anymore so it is a suspended project.
I have let you know about these three
things that kicked my business to the floor, they are universal. Be watchful about
them when you are undertaking new business, I guarantee that if you triumph
over them your project is halfway through success.
Thanks for reading.
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