Thursday, 20 March 2014


It is normal these days for a person to belong to more than three groups. You find that one person is part of a company, church, club, social media platform and etc. What makes this happen is that there are some things in life that cannot be achieved alone. However, groups underachieve as I have observed even as I move from one group to another in my research; cracks develop and neutralize or disperse it completely. These cracks are due to the relations that we are not able to manage properly.

The first is the leader. Most leaders by virtue of the power they posses think they can hit on any member and because they think that person is insignificant to major areas it won’t matter, wrong! When you hit a member the whole group begins to see that, that same treatment could happen to them any moment. So the crack sets in with mistrust. Right now they might be with you but when they have a better opportunity they will leave or even if they don’t leave, they will not commit themselves to bring success; they know that once they work you will soon sack them and claim all the success.

Members may feign respect and adoration but most times it is cosmetic or artificial, not real. Leaders should not think that they can hide their actions or that their members are fools because they don’t talk. Do you know what they say behind you? Members are the people who stand at the back while two people play draft game, they ‘see inside’ better than the players. I have been to places and I always hear, ‘do you know the number of people who have come here and our leader was not able to keep them because of his character?’

Leaders should realize that they can’t achieve alone and even if you have money, people are equally important and powerful as the effect of money. You can have money but wrong people will not make you achieve your dream. As long as you don’t know how to treat people with respect a limitation is set over you and you will never go beyond it till you change. Cheating people in your company may be why you don’t get talented people to work with.

Members also develop cracks when they don’t receive help in time of need. In time that you need help, peoples’ phones will immediately develop network problems! They will not even pick your calls. Other times too, a member may make a request and polite ‘I will think about it’ will be given and the answer will never come. I have learnt in life that it is not those who you devote your life to that help but the secondary party. Cracks set in and next time when we are embarking on a serious venture, that disappointed member will be the one who can execute the work to perfection, but she might not, she will show a dragging feet.

In summary, some groups are dead and won’t achieve anything because of too much cracks. But if we shall hid to Jesus say, ‘love your neighbor as yourself’; and we shall treat our fellow group members like we would to ourselves; then, there is nothing we cannot achieve on earth. For this saying of Jesus is the ‘solidifier’ that makes any group strong to achieve whatever they set their mind to. Remember it takes more than one person to go international.

Stay blessed!

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