Friday, 18 October 2013

When do you reach half of your life 30, 40 OR 50?


I have seen a time clock within me which has been evident as I grow up. Been in my early thirties I have discovered something about humans that lives me wondering; there is a time effect. For instance, there is a time when you want to go to the university, time when you desperately want to be married, time to have children. One of these time periods is about achieving something for yourself. You begin to think about your mission in life. When you are 3o, you start to think about what you really want to do for the rest of your life other than just doing some jobs for the sake of money; you pursue an agenda.

In terms of achievement, I have studied adults and I have seen that once they reach 50 their drive goes down, they rarely switch professions or jobs. People settle at this age in permanency and try to cope with the status quo or upgrade while staying in the same stream. This implies that, if you haven’t achieved anything by 50 you give up but only focus on just living well. This means that, if you are closer to 5o, say you have 20 to 15 years reach 50, the clock is ticking to your settling point or negatively, you’re giving up point.

Part of this I think is because our bodies age so that we don’t have energy as in our youth. There is also the responsibility from your family which keeps your hands and minds occupied almost permanently. A person’s mind at 50 gives up with the thought that ‘am old’ or ‘my time is past’. My point is that, when you graduate from school and you have to work; between 20 to 50 is the critical point of your life. If you reach 30 to 35 you know you are behind time. At this point your vision or what you wanted to achieve – what you used to dream about in your youth – begins to wane. If you have not achieved it, now you begin to reduce it.

What do you do?

Your mission
You have to think about your mission in life.  I think it is tied to what you love to do most.

Educate yourself
When you go to the university learn along the lines of your mission. Even when you graduate you still have to learn in that area. Sometimes I feel like I did nothing at school because the more I learn, the more I discover am ignorant.

Brand yourself
Identify yourself with your mission. Let everybody know that this is what you do. Your dressing, your writings, your speeches must say that about you. This would enforce your mission in your mind and make people also pave way for you easily once they know you for something.

Take your mind off limitations
While some people have all the support because they come from rich homes, you might not. They might have some uncles who support them. It is hard not to have support but if you have enough fire inside you, fight on.  Take your education seriously. I see education as a capital that can be leveraged for great achievements.  If you get the right education, you can become anything you want in life, this is my belief.

Overcome the financial bottle neck.
Your own business might not be matured enough to take care of you, so you have to do other things to support yourself and your venture. If you are working in an organization and your want to rise up in that ladder too it means you might need more money to upgrade yourself and live well. Do anything to make money but only the right things.

Prepare for Leadership
You have to learn to be a leader because you might have to influence people to help you. You have to know how to plan, organize, lead and control.

Team work
Understand that whatever you want to do cannot be done only by you. You need some people to help you. For some, you might have to pay monthly while others too, would help you for free. Assemble you team; have a list of people who help you in your ventures.

You have to give
All our activities are towards the help of mankind but we have to deliberately give.

Make sure by the time you are 40 to 50, you are doing what you wanted to do. Settle into the kind of life you want. 

Let’s go back to my question; when do you reach half of your life 30, 40 or 50?

This is my answer, all other things been equal, a man reaches half of his life at the point where he refuses to switch jobs, when he feels he cannot change again and continue with the status quo; when he thinks he is now an old person. It may be between 35 to 45, though the person might live for extra 60 years. But I say, the point where the plane levels in the sky and continues steadily, that is the center of a man’s life. Half of his life is gone not because of his years but the fact that his life  has settled.

When you settle, whether good or bad you maintain it and this is my concern.

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